Sunday, August 02, 2015

Mountain Kill’em both

Chaos, Confusion, Recklessness, Rage and Change

If you would ever want to learn how to trash a perfect day with only an ounce of shit, meet me. I can tell you a thousand and one ways to make the guardians of hell envious of you for their entire life, in just a minute. Believe me I can.

A simple day, most loved intoxicating tea, superb scrambled eggs and toasted breads with butter, and well managed roommate, mindful maid. These are the ingredients you need to scrap the things.

Maid ironed and put the clothes in wrong cupboard, roommate misplaced the shoe-polish box, and I was on the top of the mountain Kill’em both!

This was the worst day of entire week. Why I was about to slit both of them open?

Maybe because I have a place for each stuff in the home. A reserved place for shoes, shocks, shoe-polish, iron board, iron, and a damn fucking large drawer for the ironed clothes. Large enough to shove both of them alive into.

I wish I had a sticker machine, I would have stickered each of every single slot and corner of the house saying what it is used for.

I don’t understand why people can’t get enough motivation, reason and courage use their own damn brain.

Evening was ruined because of the blasts in mood. Few students came showing interests to work on the star-up and make a college project out of it. Since last half an hour I am trying to recollect what I have told them during the entire conversation. Who knows? Definitely not me !

Dinner was shit. And the worst part, I made it.

I think my biggest disadvantage is I don’t understand this anger or rage. I don’t understand mismanagement or chaos or disturbance at micro level. Maybe I am not able to let the people do what they think is good for me or for themselves. Maybe I don’t know how to be compassionate for unplanned outcomes. Maybe I have a fear to this unplanned and unknown, chaotic, reckless, mismanaged events and/or life.

I got know one thing though, I have a stored form of energy which I am not able to decode, understand, interpret, handle, way out, stream around. I’ll have to find a path to direction this energy to create something useful else it will ruin me, burn me, dilute me or simple; my maid will leave and roommate will kick my ass out.

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