Monday, September 21, 2015

Please don't change the World !

I have been an Engineer, handling the entire Crude distillation unit of the Asia's second largest refinery.

I have been an Entrepreneur, heading three businesses.

I have been a Consultant, to Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Non-professional people of almost three continents.

I am trying to be a Researcher.

I am trying to be a Leader.

I am trying to be a Professor

I am trying to find a soul mate

I am trying to be a good Son, Friend, Responsible citizen and Non responsible big brother.

What is that one thing that I am not trying to do?

I am not trying to be the change that I want to see in the world.

I'll tell you one thing.

This is the bravest statement ever.

This is shit.

Please don't change the world.


In the last decade of my life, I've realized one simple thing.

Whenever you wish or want to change the world, something shit is going to happen.

It doesn't matter if that will happen with you or not, but it will be shit.

Why you would want to change the entire World? Just because you have an itchy ass and don't have anything else to do?

Or because you think there is still a room for improvement in the entire World according to your principles.

I am not sure what else could be the case, but please don't change the world.

World is the perfect in every and each scenario.

You are the perfect in every and each scenario.

This world doesn't need more of the change makers, engineers, business persons, leaders, doctors or assholes.

It needs,

Acts of kindness,
Gestures of love,
And selfless attitudes.

 These three things will only seem logical, doable, rational, executable, feasible, workable or needed, only when you are not in the herd who would want to be the change just so the world can be changed.

These are my favorite lines,

" If you want to do it, there must not be any reason,
If you don't, there can not be any excuse ! "


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